3 Ways To Improve Your Voice Instantly

Published by 
Singers Corner Team
Last updated: 
December 9, 2024

Improve Your Voice InstantlySinging is a talent that you inculcate in yourself over time with a lot of practice and dedication.

You have to put hours and hours into practice and that is the only way you will able to do justice to a song when you sing it. There are millions of bathroom singers but if you want to sing in front of people, you have to follow a few important principles.

These will help you go a long way in your career and even if singing is just your hobby, you will enjoy singing if you follow these tips.

Singing Tip #1

If you have never practiced singing, then it is time for you to include some singing practices in your daily curriculum.

There are some really easy exercise that you can do every day for a couple of hours throughout the day.

Try singing the C Major Scale which goes like “Do Re Mi…” It is definitely one of the best practices you can do initially.

Next practice a few breathing exercises. In fact, you can do the breathing exercises at any time. Do remember to practice both Staccato and Legato notes - they both help train your voice.

Practice singing the notes in increasing or decreasing order of scales or pitch. Then move onto the next one.

Do this every single day for at least a half hour.

Singing Tip #2

Next is practicing your favorite songs and singing to them.

Of course the best way is to, not lip-sync, but actually sing along to your favorite songs with the lyrics in front of you. You don't need music if you remember the melodies, but you can also get karaoke versions of the songs and sing to the music.

This way you will also get some practice of singing to the music of a song.

Remember the pronunciation of the lyrics of the song is very important in giving character to the song, so practice that as well.

Singing Tip #3

Now, the best way to start singing better instantly is to join a band and practice with real musicians.

Even if they are not professional musicians and the best you can manage is a group of friends who practice in a garage, consider yourself lucky and that is also a very good start.

Practice singing with the band as much as you can. If you sing with people they can also give you valuable advice or criticism which is also very important in understanding where you stand as a singer.

Families and relatives often give you very biased opinions about your singing talents, but your friends will not mince their words, which will help you in the long run. Learn more about how to improve as a singer.

Bonus Singing Tip

Get professional help.


Hiring a vocal coach or taking online singing lessons is one of the best investments you'll ever make in your life - trust me.

Vocal coaches can be really expensive and an on-going cost, but there are great vocal lessons online that are cheap and work just as well, if not better in most cases.

Don't sleep on this - you can try them risk free for at least a couple months, so you've got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Most people think they can just get by with the information they find on websites like this. And it's true, you can if you put it into practice.

But most people dont. And if they do it takes months and months to see improvements.

These professional singing lessons are designed in such a way that they drastically improve your voice in a matter of weeks, not months, and practically force you to put in the work needed.

They're structured so it's easy to follow. And the exercises really help a lot.

So check out our reviews of the best online singing lessons and take your pick. It's the best decision you can make to improve your singing.

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