Many people have dreams of making it big in the music industry or becoming a famous singer, but we can't do so unless we first learn the basics of music and singing. Improving your vocal technique can make you a well-rounded singer and can help you safely use your voice, and can get you to the top if you want to become a famous singer. If you don't warmup, or learn how to properly sing, you can hurt your voice. I've found some of the best free iPhone apps that you can use for vocal training and improving your singing!
1. Vox Tools
Vox Tools is a good free app to download if you want to focus on some good warmups to improve your voice. It suggests a few different warmups for different scenarios, such as: lip buzzes and tongue trills. It also offers free training, where it will play scales on a piano and you can follow it up and down, as well as change the key down or up. The app also offers a piano that you can play your own notes and scales to help yourself warmup instead of using warmups that are already pre-recorded. All-in-all, I think this is a good beginners app to help you start with the basics and learn scales.
2. SingTrue
SingTrue is a good app if you want to learn how to hear music better. This app teaches you how to differentiate between notes and how to tell if they went up or down. Alongside of that, this app also teaches you solfege, which is always an important part of singing because it's a good skill to have to learn to sight read and to know intervals. A cool feature about this is app is that it allows you to take quizzes that help you hear pitches and the way they move and the intervals between two notes. Overall, this is a good app to use if you want to be able to not only sing well, but understand music as well.
3. Vocal Coach
Vocal Coach is a great app when vocal training and learning how to become a better singer! The first thing this app will do is ask you what your vocal range is. Then it will provide you with warmups and songs to sing to that will really improve that range of your voice to gain more control. These warmups include triads, quints, and flying triads. All of these will increase the control you have over your singing and will allow you to move faster between two notes. This will also change key so you are getting a full range. This app features a timer that will time your breathing, so you can breathe properly, as well as sing longer without having to take a breath. Vocal Coach is a good app to use for singing if you want to move fluidly through notes, but still have complete control over it.
4. Sing Sharp
Sing Sharp provides you with a lot of good warmups to help control your voice and keep it loose and warmed up to sing. Sing Sharp also allows you to sing along to songs to practice and improve your voice. I think this is a good free app due to it's warmups and ability to sing along to songs, however, I do not like that you have to pay to get rid of ads and pay to unlock a lot of features. However, this app is helpful in warming up your voice and loosening it.
5. Singing Lessons
Singing Lessons is a good app brought to you by Howcast. It's not my favorite in the sense that it doesn't exactly have any warmups or anything to help you improve your voice and control, however, it does have some interesting articles and videos about singing. All of the singing videos are relevant and really help beginners learn what they should and shouldn't be doing while singing, and what's good for their voice.
There are many great singing apps out there for iPhone, but most of them are not free. I believe that I found the best, free singing apps for iPhone that will help with your vocal training and will help you learn things by ear, as well as visually being able to see it. Thanks to these apps, you will be able to learn and practice the basics of music in no time at all!