What Is Bass?

Published by 
Singers Corner Team
Last updated: 
December 8, 2024

Bass is a musical term referring to the lowest range in a family of instruments. This can include the voice, clarinet, saxophone, and more.

Read on to learn more about bass, specifically the bass voice.

Bass Voice Type

The bass voice is the lowest male singing voice and lowest singing voice overall. In general, this voice type can sing as low as the E just under two octaves below middle C (E2). On the other end, most bass singers can reach the E just above middle C.

However, bass singers are generally the most comfortable singing within the bass clef, so around G2 to A3, give or take a few notes.

There are multiple ways to classify bass singers. The specific system used varies between countries.

History of the Bass Voice

The bass voice has been an official voice type for centuries. It's been used by composers such as Mahler and Rachmaninov.

Over time, more composers have started to write bass roles in opera and other types of classical music. The voice type isn't the most common in musical theatre, but there are some roles, such as Jud in Oklahoma.

Bass Voice Subtypes

Whether you're a bass singer or teach one, you should know some common subtypes. Consider the different categories and how they differ.

Basso Cantante

Also called lyric high bass or lyric bass-baritone, this is the highest subgroup of the bass voice. The term "basso cantante" translates to "singing bass," meaning that it has a nice singing quality.

Singers in this category have a faster vibrato compared to other basses. While it's not identical, it's very close to the bass-baritone voice.

Some popular roles include Ferrando from Il trovatore and Don Giovani from the opera of the same name.

Hoher Bass

Other names for Hoher bass include dramatic bass-baritone and dramatic high bass. Due to the "dramatic" in the name, this voice type is a bit heavier than the previous one. However, it also has a higher tessitura than most other basses.

Operatic roles include Igor in Prince Igor and Banquo in Macbeth. Composers from all over Europe have written parts that suit the Hoher bass subtype.

Jugendlicher Bass

When you talk about a Jugendlicher bass, you're referring more to an opera role than a voice type. This term is used for roles that are young men or boys. However, basses of any age can take on these roles.

Two well-known examples include Colline from La bohème and Masetto from Don Giovani. While this isn't an official voice type, you can specialize in performing such roles in opera.

Basso Buffo

The basso buffo or lyric buffo voice type sounds great in a lyric role. These singers have a good coloratura and are good at patter singing. Since "buffo" means funny, this voice type may often serve in a comic relief role.

Another option is for the basso buffo to be the antagonist. You can hear them commonly in bel canto operas.

Example roles include Don Alfonso in Cosi fan tutte and Doctor Bartolo in The Barber of Seville.

Schwerer Spielbass

You can refer to the Schwerer Spielbass as the dramatic buffo or dramatic bass. This voice type has more weight than the higher bass voices. Some singers may be able to sing both high and low bass voice parts.

If you have this voice type, you could perform roles such as Khan Konchak from Prince Igor and Varlaam from Boris Godunov.

Lyric Basso Profundo

The lyric basso profundo (or simply basso profundo) is one of the lowest bass subtypes. It lacks the fast Italian vibrato of higher bass voices. However, this voice type offers a solid tone and can have a slower vibrato.

If a singer doesn't have proper training, they could have a more wobbly vibrato, which isn't ideal. Because of that, lessons can help these singers make the most of their voice.

Lyric low basses can sing roles such as Rocco from Fidelio or Sarastro from The Magic Flute.

Dramatic Basso Profundo

Another low bass voice to know is the dramatic basso profundo. English singers and teachers may also call it the dramatic low bass voice.

Singers with this voice type may have the same tessitura as lyric low basses. They also don't always have the fast vibrato of a high bass. However, they have more weight to their voice compared to other singers.

Example roles for this voice type include Heinrich from Lohengrin and Marke from Tristan und Isolde. Wagner composed both operas and used a dramatic low bass in many of his other works.

Gilbert and Sullivan

Gilbert and Sullivan wrote at least one lead bass role in most of their Savoy operas. Example roles include The Mikado of Japan from The Mikado and Sergeant of Police from The Pirates of Penzance.

While this isn't an official subtype of bass voice, it's important to consider.

Other Bass Instruments

Along with the bass voice, many other instruments use the term bass for a subset of their section. Of course, there's the string bass, also called the upright bass or double bass. Other string instruments include the bass guitar.

There's also the bass trombone, which is a low brass instrument. Some woodwinds also have bass versions, including the clarinet, flute, saxophone, and recorder.

What is a bass in music?

In music, a bass can refer to many things. On its own, the term "bass" refers to an instrument, usually the double bass or bass guitar.

However, it can also refer to low versions of woodwinds and brass instruments. It's also an official classical voice type, the lowest of them all.

What is bass in a speaker?

In a speaker, the bass refers to the lower frequencies the speaker can produce. Some speakers have a big, booming bass to them.

How do you define bass?

You can define bass in multiple ways, depending on the context. However, in music, "bass" can refer to many instruments with a lower range.

Many bass instruments have a range of C2 to C4, give or take a few pitches.

What is bass in fish?

In fish, bass refers to a type of animal. The bass fish comes in different types, such as smallmouth and largemouth bass.

It's also pronounced differently than in music. In music, you use an ay sound, while when talking about fish, you use the aa sound.

What is bass and an example?

Bass refers to anything low in music, from a voice or instrument to the frequencies you hear. An example of a bass includes a bass singer.

What does bass mean in slang?

In a slang context, bass can refer to the buttocks. A good example of this is the song "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor.

Final Thoughts

In music, bass can refer to many things. One of the most common ways to use the term is to refer to the lowest male voice. However, many instruments are bass instruments or have a bass version.

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