Top 18 Easy Songs To Sing – Aspiring Professional Singer

Published by 
Singers Corner Team
Last updated: 
December 2, 2024

Who hasn’t dreamed of being a music superstar? Whether you are an aspiring professional singer or simply want to excel at karaoke, you must know what songs are best for you to sing. Once you understand your voice and range, you can choose musical selections that will leave your audience in awe. Figuring out who you are as a singer takes time and effort, though. Fortunately, there is an alternative. By choosing a song that sounds great when virtually everyone sings it, you sound like a star without having a full understanding of your singing profile. We have developed a list of the top 18 easy songs to sing to help you kill during your next performance. So what are the easy songs to sing?

How We Developed Our Rankings

singing in the party
Image: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, Hinnerk R, Hinnerk Rümenapf, via Wikimedia

Anyone can come up with a top 18 list, but not every list is reliable. To make ours one you can trust, we have spent a great deal of time listening to music, reviewing expert commentary and reviewing amateur singer opinions. The result is a general guide you can carry with you. Before you take the karaoke stage or sit down for a ws campfire sing-along, refer to our list of the top 18 easy songs to sing to be sure you sound your best.

Top 18 Easy Songs To Sing

1. Livin’ on a Prayer

Whether you came of age in the 1980s or are just a fan of big-hair music, you know Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer.” This tune is a crowd favorite because so many people know the words by heart. Still, just because everyone knows a song doesn’t make it easy to sing. “Livin’ on a Prayer,” though, is simple to belt out. With moderate range, easy notes and a breathy delivery, the song isn’t at all difficult to conquer.

2. Friends in Low Places

Not everyone is a fan of country music, but Garth Brook’s signature song, “Friends in Low Places,” has boundless appeal. Starting out slow and moving to an easy climax, the song is simple to deliver. If you aren’t a great singer, you can expect help from the crowd if you choose the 1990’s country classic.

3. White Wedding

Sometimes, singing a song made famous by an outlandish celebrity is a great idea, as is the case with Billy Idol’s “White Wedding.” What makes this tune easy songs to sing and to perform is its wild delivery. That is, you can act as crazy as you want while performing “White Wedding” and only make your delivery better. Meanwhile, the simple phrasing and easy notes make this song perfect for inexperienced singers.

4. Like a Virgin

favorite song in karaoke
Image: CC BY-SA 2.0, Joe Haupt, via flickr

Not every Madonna song is easy to sing. Even though the artist has a pop persona, she has some impressive chops. If you want to cover a tune from the Material Girl, opt for “Like a Virgin.” Not only will your audience likely jump in to help you if you get in trouble with one of the verses, you are sure to sound epic when delivering the simple phrases and low notes in this classic. For bonus points, crawl around on the stage and fire up your fans.

5. What’s Up

“What’s Up” is a 4 Non Blonds tune from the 1990s. While you may not be able to name the title or the band, you certainly know this tune by heart. The reason this selection makes our list is its easy falsetto. The high and low-note combinations in “What’s Up” are easy songs to sing and sound great. If you aren’t looking for a monotone performance, this is your song.

6. Just a Girl

Like “What’s Up,” “Just a Girl” hails from a bygone era when music had a real message. When you perform this song, you give an immediate nod to feminism everywhere. You also sound great, as the tune mostly asks the singer to spit out short phrases and tones. This is easy for most novice singers, as it doesn’t require holding notes in pitch. Therefore, the margin of error when singing “Just a Girl” is much wider than in other songs.

7. Rock Lobster

Part of the fun of singing is inducing an emotional reaction from your audience. You get that with the B-52’s “Rock Lobster.” This tune is fun and catchy. Even if your fans can’t sing along, they will be tapping toes and slapping knees with your rendition. That rendition, of course, sounds great because of the silly phrasing and simple notes throughout the piece.

8. I’m Too Sexy

Perhaps you don’t have any musical chops at all. If that’s the case, your perfect song is one that is mostly spoken. To pull off an iconic performance in your own voice, choose “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred. This song isn’t only entertaining, it is incredibly simple to deliver.

9. He Stopped Loving Her Today

If you want to make your audience shed a tear, choose George Jones’ “He Stopped Loving Her Today.” The tune, which explains how a man didn’t stop loving an ex until the end of his life, was one of the biggest country songs of the 1980s. The tune is simple to deliver because it has short phrasing and mid-range notes. It also has a spoken bridge that you can add some twang too.

10. Mamma Mia

while performing mamma mia
Image: CC BY 2.0, Andrew James, via flckr

Songs with many key changes can be tough to sing. That’s because key changes often encourage amateur singers to be either flat or sharp in their delivery. If you are looking for easy songs to sing success, chose a tune without many key changes. “Mamma Mia” by ABBA is one such tune. Since this song stays in the same key virtually throughout, you get to focus on your delivery instead of your pitch. You also benefit from mid-range notes and instant recognizability.

11. Stay

If you turned on the radio in 1990, it was impossible not to hear Lisa Loeb singing “Stay.” She sounded great on the track, but it wasn’t just because of her vocal prowess. On the contrary, “Stay” is a slow song that is simple to get through. Meanwhile, it hasn’t been over-played for decades, giving it both a fresh and memorable feel. When you get through the first few lines, don’t be surprised if your audience begins to feel a bit nostalgic.

12.  Born This Way

one easy song to sing
Image: CC BY-SA 2.0, Monster Mons, via flckr

Sometimes, music must be about more than artistic expression. Instead, it should send a clear message about the state of society. Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” does this beautifully. In fact, several groups have adopted the tune as their unofficial anthems. While the song relates to many, it is also a breeze to sing. With low tones and mid-range notes, the song is appropriate for singers of all ability levels.

13.  Sweet Caroline

There is a reason “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond shows up virtually every night at the karaoke bar. The chorus is as memorable and easy-to-sing as choruses get. Meanwhile, the low notes throughout the verses make delivery simple and effective. Start quiet and build in volume throughout the tune to encourage your fans to give you a standing ovation.

14.  Country House

When the singers of Blur perform, they have a somewhat amateur delivery. You can take advantage of that sound by singing “Country House” or another Blur tune. Keep your pitch flat and your notes low to deliver a cover-worthy performance. If you can slur a few phrases throughout the tune, you get extra credit.

15.  Uptown Girl

Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” is catchy, fun and easy to sing. It also comes from a different era where being cheesy was all the rage. To excel with this tune, you must check your self-consciousness at the door. Stand in front of the crowd and belt out the tune, taking full advantage of its repetitive chorus and easy vocals.

16.  Should I Stay or Should I Go

You must be brave to sing the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go,” because audience members may answer the rhetorical question by asking you to go. Still, if you have the gumption to jump on stage, this tune is easy to conquer. Like the other songs on our list, “Should I Stay or Should I Go” has easy phrasing, intuitive vocals, and mid-range notes that virtually anyone can deliver.

17.  Umbrella

Rihanna sings “Umbrella” with the sort of pipes that make every singer jealous. Still, you don’t have to be a power balladeer to deliver “Umbrella” in a pleasant way. This tune has simple lyrics, a ready melody, and repetitive notes, making it ideal for either professional or amateur singers.

18.  Wannabe

The Spice Girls haven’t been popular for a long time. Nonetheless, “Wannabe” remains a staple on the karaoke stage for one good reason: the tune is cake to sing. With slow phrasing, simple words and an iconic refrain, the piece is the perfect choice for the open-mic night.

Singing can be both fun and beautiful. If you don’t sing the right tune, though, both your voice and your performance may fall flat. Rather than spend countless hours determining your vocal range and tone, refer to our list of the top 18 easy songs to sing. Then, choose one to impress your friends, family and karaoke buddies.

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